Facts about the layout

Scale 1:87

  Track gauges
Standard gauge: HO  16.5 mm (1435 mm, blue on the drawing)
Narrow gauge: HOn3  10.5 mm (891 mm, red on the drawing
Sawmill H0e  9.0 mm. (750 mm, green on the drawing)
Stone pit: HOn2  7.0 mm (600 mm, green on the drawing)

Max 2.0 % straight, max 1.0 % curve

Curve radius
Standard gauge: min 900 mm. 760 mm on some industrial tracks.
Narrow gauge:
min 600 mm (H0n3)


Standard gauge: Peco code 75 and some handmade code 70.
Narrow gauge (891mm):
Code 70. Micro Engineering, Shinohara and some handmade.

Standard gauge: Peco Electrofrog, 55 nos
Narrow gauge:
Shinohara, 30 nos


Track lenghts
Standard gauge: 165 m
Narrow gauge: 20 m 

Max lengths in one direction - Standard gauge: 43m
Max lengths in one direction - narrow gauge: 20m


Standard gauge: TB-koppel
Narrow gauge: Kadeee HOn3
Electrical system
2-rails, 16 V
Digital system, NMRA-DCC
2.5 kvmm wire to all rails and turnouts

Booster Lenz LZV 100 with 5 Amps trafo
Hand held controllers Lenz LH 90, LH 100 and LH101.

The layout s divided in 3 sections with curcuitbreakers type  DCC Supplies PSX-1.