CT Elektronik
On this page we have collected some useful info about decoders from CT Elektronik. CT Elektronik has not so good info on there own website.
ct_sl51_2_en.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 51-2. This decoder is an old one.
ct_sl51-4_eng.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 51-4. Translated from German by John Gymer.
ct_sl75_eng.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 75. A small type useful in N-loco and in HO loco if the are equipped with Faulhaber engines. Translated from German by John Gymer.
Manual in English for sound decoder SL 76.
Translated from German by John Gymer.
ct_tran_decoder.pdf CV info
ct_soundprog.pdf Manual for the Programmer.
ct_programmer.pdf Extra manual for the Programmer. Infon from the website YouChoo.
ct_sl_51_4_extended_function-mapping.pdf Manual for extended functions. Infon from the website YouChoo.
ct_function_mapping.pdf Manual for extended functions. Infon from the website YouChoo.
More info at http://www.youchoos.co.uk/
Observation! In all manuals is stated that CV 121 (Main sound level) shall have value between 0-3. This is wrong! On version SL 74, SL75 and SL 51-4 you can use 0-64. I have used 8-15 on SL75 and SL51-4. On older version as SL51-2 it was 0-3!
Observation 2! If you like to install a "powermodul" as Lenz UPS-modul it rather easy in SL51-4. Look at page two in the german manual. sl51_4_german_manual There you see two soldering pads marked + and -. There it´s possible to connect a condensator of 25V and 470-2200µF. Bigger is better. You can go for more than 2200µF but it will normally be to big. You can do that in SL75 also. Please look at http://www.1001-digital.de/pages/1001-digital/startseite.php